• 碘化钾 [7681-11-0]

  • 英文名:Potassium iodide
  • CAS号:7681-11-0 分子式:IK 分子量:166
PG62732-10g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] 4N 10g 141.00 促销价:102.93
PG62739-500g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] AR 500g 466.00 促销价:302.90
PG62731-100g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] AR 100g 108.00 促销价:70.20
PG62730-500g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] GR 500g 533.00 促销价:346.45
PG62730-10g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] PT 10g 125.00 促销价:91.25
PG62733-500g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] 医药级 500g 527.00 促销价:384.71
订货编号 商品名称 规格 包装 单价 促销价 会员价 数量
PG62732-10g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] 4N 10g 141.00 102.93 登录可见
PG62732-10g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] 4N 10g 141.00 促销价:102.93
PG62739-500g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] AR 500g 466.00 302.90 特价产品 登录可见
PG62739-500g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] AR 500g 466.00 促销价:302.90
PG62731-100g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] AR 100g 108.00 70.20 特价产品 登录可见
PG62731-100g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] AR 100g 108.00 促销价:70.20
PG62730-500g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] GR 500g 533.00 346.45 特价产品 登录可见
PG62730-500g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] GR 500g 533.00 促销价:346.45
PG62730-10g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] PT 10g 125.00 91.25 登录可见
PG62730-10g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] PT 10g 125.00 促销价:91.25
PG62733-500g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] 医药级 500g 527.00 384.71 登录可见
PG62733-500g 碘化钾 [7681-11-0] 医药级 500g 527.00 促销价:384.71
  •  订货编号
  •  商品名称
  •  规格
  •  包装
  •  单价
  •  促销价
  •  会员价
  •  数量


无色或白色立方晶体。无臭,有浓苦咸味。 易溶于水,溶于乙醇、甲醇、丙酮、甘油和液氨,微溶于乙醚。其水溶液呈中性或微碱性。 熔点 113 °C(lit.) 沸点 184 °C(lit.) 密度 1.32 g/mL at 25 °C 蒸气密度 9 (vs air) 蒸气压 0.31 mm Hg ( 25 °C) 折射率 1.677 闪点 1330°C.


GB / T1272-88
项目ltem                                               优级纯       分析纯     化学纯
(GR)         (AR)       (CP)
含量(Kl)Assay,%                           ≥99.5%        98.5%      98.0%
pH(50g/L溶液,25℃)pH of water sol-
ution                                               6.0-8.0      6.0-8.0    6.0-8.0
澄清度试验Clarity                      合格         合格       合格
水不溶物lnsoluble matter in water,%  ≤0.005        0.01       0.02
氯化物及溴化物(以Cl计)Chloride and
bromide,%                                   ≤0.01         0.02       0.05
碘酸盐及碘(以IO3计)lodate and iodine  ≤0.0003       0.002      0.005
硫酸盐(SO4)Sulfate,%                 ≤0.002        0.005      0.01
磷酸盐(PO4)Phosphate,%               ≤0.001        0.002      --
总氮量(N)Total nitrogen,%            ≤0.001        0.002      0.002
钠(Na)Sodium,%                       ≤0.05         0.1        --
镁(Mg)Magnesium,%                    ≤0.001        0.002      0.005
钙(Ca)Calcium,%                      ≤0.001        0.002      0.005
铁(Fe)Iron ,%                        ≤0.0001       0.0003     0.0005
钡(Ba)Barium,%                       ≤0.001        0.002      0.004
重金属(以Pb计)Heavy metals,%         ≤0.0002       0.0005     0.001
砷(As)Arsenic,%                      ≤0.00001      0.00002    --
还原性物质Reducing substances          合格         合格        --

项目名称                            ACS Grade
含量(KI)Assay                        ≥99.0%
pH of a 5% solution at 25℃           6.0-9.2
水不溶物Insoluble matter             ≤0.005%
干燥失重Loss on drying               ≤0.2%
Chlorine and bromide                 ≤0.01%
碘酸盐(IO3)Iodidi                    ≤0.0003%
磷酸盐(PO4)Phosphate                 ≤0.001%
硫酸盐(SO4)Sulfate                   ≤0.005%
钡(Ba)Barium                         ≤0.002%
重金属(以Pb计)Heavy metals           ≤5ppm
铁(Fe)Iron                           ≤0.0003%
钙(Ca)Calcium                        ≤0.002%
镁(Mg)Magnesium                      ≤0.001%
钠(Na)Sodium                         ≤0.005%

≥99.99% metals basis:

外观Appearance                          白色结晶或粉末
纯度Purity                              ≥99.99% Based on Trace Metals Impurities of ICP
I                                       76.0 - 77.0 % (Titration by AgNO3)
ICP:                                    Confirms Potassium Component Confirmed
痕量金属分析Trace Metal Analysis        ≤100ppm by ICP Atomic emission

≥99.999% metals basis:

外观Appearance                          白色结晶或粉末
纯度Purity                              ≥99.999% Based on Trace Metals Impurities of ICP
I                                       76.0 - 77.0 % (Titration by AgNO3)
ICP:                                    Confirms Potassium Component Confirmed
痕量金属分析total impurities            ≤20ppm by ICP Atomic emission


危险品标志  Xn,N,Xi,F
WGK Germany  2
RTECS号 NN1575000
F  10
HazardClass  8
PackingGroup  II
危险类别码  36/37/38-36/37-20/21/22-19-11-43-34-20/21-42/43-36/38-61
安全说明  26-ection-24/25-36-45-36/37/39-53-36/37-22


用途  常用作分析试剂,也用于照相用感光乳化剂的配制、制药工业
用途  用于感光乳剂、肥皂、石版印刷、有机合成、医药、食品添加剂等
